Vot sellise huvitava raamatu pistis mulle laupäeval nina alla Pauline. Ja mõtlesin, et jagan mõndasid mõtte-teri teiegagi.
Danes co-operate. LEGO means "play well", and this is just what the Danes are good at.
They say that if Scandinavia is a bowl of rice pudding, Denmark is the "smørhul" - the golden hollow in the middle, full of melted butter.
Sweden is the boring older brother who thinks he knows best.
Danes are Olympic drinkers - it even says so in Hamlet.
In a Carlsberg advertisment, a typical Swede had to agree not to urinate in a public place, make obscene gestures to Danish girls, be sick on the pavement or fall asleep on the bus to the ferry, before he was allowed to drink Danish beer.
In order to change an electric bulb, you must be a fully trained electric bulb changer.
Danish is not a beautiful language. But it is economical. Words, like everything else, are recycled where possible.
The Danish "r" has to be fetched from deep below the tonsils, and requires special muscles.
One unequivocally positive thing can be said about the Danes and their language: though by mid-sentence thet may begin to glance at their watches, they are endlessly tolerant of those who try to speak it. Maybe they recognise that Danish is so unspeakably difficult, no foreigner can make it worse.
Tänase õhtusöögi hiilgehetk, Steve väitis Davidile, et tegelt ei ole see grillitud kana, see on krokodilli sõrm, mille ta enne metsas krokodilli käelt maha lõikas. Ja grillvorstid olid jõehobu näpud. Selle esimese krokodilli jutuga tuli meelde, et kui ma tatt olin, siis mu isa ka valetas, et krokodill tuli allikast välja ja küsis, mis kell on. Kõigile valetatakse väiksena midagi krokodillide kohta?
Aga minu selle suve esimene grill oli meganom! Kana, grillvorst, grillitud seened, grillitud mais ja grillitud leib. nomnom!
ja ps! Ülehomme hommikul saabub Aky mulle külla ja pere lendab Prantsusmaale puhkama, woops! Siis on plaanis natukene turisti ka mängida ja ringi vaadata. Kui ma nüüd aus olen, siis selle 9 siin veedetud kuu jooksul just väga palju turisti mänginud ei ole. Ainult Kopenhaagenis, aga mujal mitte eriti. Siis postitan pilte ka, võib-olla.
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